Having Fun with Wikipedia

With just a few minor changes in terminology, the description of regulation and control of e cigarettes fits in neatly with that of the Spanish Inquisition as it is presented in the introduction to the topic on Wikipedia.

The regulation, control and inquisition of electronic cigarettes officially known in the EU as, the ‘Tobacco Products Directive, Article 20’, and in the USA, ’Substantial Equivalence,’ under the auspice of the FDA, was established in the early 21st century by the European Union and Government of the United States of America. It was intended to maintain public health orthodoxy in the kingdoms and to supplement the ‘medieval’ FCTC which was under World health Organisation control. It became the most substantive of the different manifestations of the wider anti-tobacco inquisition along with other individual national inquisitions.
The Inquisition was originally intended in large part to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from tobacco cigarette smoking. This regulation of the lives of the newly converted was intensified after Tobacco Control decrees issued in 2013 / 2014 ordering the smoking public to quit using only recognised NRT, or face the risks of continued smoking.
Various motives have been proposed for the decision to found the Inquisition such as increasing political authority, weakening opposition, suppressing conversions, profiting from tax revenues and profits generated through tobacco and drug industry sales, reducing social tensions, and protecting the kingdom from the danger of a fifth column.
The body was under the direct control of the World Health Organisation and was not definitively abolished until 2230 AD, after a period of huge population decline due to massive, increased tobacco consumption the previous century.
The E Cigarette Inquisition is often cited in literature and history as an example of Public Health intolerance and repression. Modern historians have tended to question earlier and possibly exaggerated accounts concerning the severity of the Inquisition. Although records are incomplete, estimates of the number of persons who have died as a result of the Inquisition range from hundreds of millions up into the billions.

3 thoughts on “Having Fun with Wikipedia

  1. beludesigns says:

    Excellent! I feel a Monty Python sketch coming on. Sadly this has a very serious side too… maybe black comedy?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anja M. says:


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  3. Reblogged this on artbylisabelle and commented:

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